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Scopes let you declaratively build graphs of molecules for different components, forms, sections, users, companies or applications and have them run in a shared environment.


Creates a reference for scopes, similar to React Context or Vue provide/inject.

import { createScope } from "bunshi";

 *  Scope for a user id
export const UserScope = createScope<string>("");
  • initialValue the default value for molecules that depend on this scope

Provide Scope

Each framework integration has it’s own way of providing scope.

In bunshi/react use the ScopeProvider to provide the scopes. useMolecule will implicitly use the provided scope.

Internally scopes use React context.


Form Scope

A common use case for scoping is forms. You create a scope for every form, and then write your molecules to depend on that scope.

Since a new instance of your molecules are created for each scope, you can use this to create state or stores that survive for the lifecycle of your form.

Creating scope & molecules

The first thing you need is a scope object. Use createScope to create a scope object for later use.

import { createScope } from "bunshi";

// Scoped using a random number to identify the form
export const formScope = createScope<unknown>(undefined);

Once we have a form scope, we depend on that scope in our molecules.

import { molecule } from "bunshi";
import { atom } from "nanostores";

// The FormErrors molecule can be used anywhere in the form
export const FormErrors = molecule((mol, scope) => {
  // Calling `scope` makes `FormErrors` a *scoped* molecule

  // Will create 1 nanostore per form
  const errors = atom<string[]>([]);

  function addError(error: string) {
    errors.set([...errors.get(), errors]);

  return {

This example creates nanostores in molecules, but other state management tools like Jotai can be used here.

Using the scope and scoped molecules

Scoping works out of the box with framework integrations with vue and react.

To use a scope deep inside a component tree, it needs to be provided at the top level.

In this case we’ll use the provideScope function from the bunshi/vue integration in our root form component.

<script setup>
import { provideScope } from 'bunshi/vue';
import { formIdScope } from '../scopes'

const formId = Symbol();


    Form id: {{formId}}

In your form component, you can use the molecule to get access to the form state.

<script setup>
import { useMolecule } from "bunshi/vue";
import { useStore } from "@nanostores/vue";
import { FormErrors } from "../molecules";

const props = defineProps(["postId"]);

const { errors } = useMolecule(FormErrors);

const list = useStore(errors);

  <header>Errors: {{ list.join(", ") }}</header>